Juo Smart Bulb
It's really interesting technology and actually i like that.You can use it for some special days or even daily it can be useful.You can control the Bulb from your smart phone,change the colors,change the brightness or open some music from the bulb to change your mod :) Even the bulb can change colors automatically with your mucis's rhythm,like equalizer,so it's really cool.
You can get connection with bluetooth.But firstly you need to download Juo Smart Bulb application.If you are Ios user click here,if you have some Android click here.
The range of bluetooth for the bulb is 10 m.
After you install the bulb application,open the app and click the connection and make your bluetooth connection.From the bulb place you can change the brightness and color of the bulb and from settings place you can choose when should your bulb close.With Android phones you can play musics from the app or music players,it can play from the bulb while you have connection with it.For Ios,as i know,just from itunes or some app like Spotify.
For equalizer of the bulb,you have to open bulb option and you can control the color and brightness however you want while you choose the manuel.If you choose automatic and play some music,the bulb makes automatic equalizer.For the final,i think it's really useful and for spend some funny times with your friends or even you can use it for some special nights.
_ Inspired by @t-laf _
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